
The Christmas Tag

Tag taken from milkbubbletea


  1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie?

I couldn’t pick just one! The Holiday is one of my faves, Elf, The Grinch and and Love actually are definitely up there too!

  1. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?

We usually get new Pyjamas on Christmas Eve but most presents we open on Christmas morning over ‘first breakfast’.

  1.  Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?

Going to my Nans every Christmas morning for ‘second breakfast’, Drinking Shloer with my cousins and pretending it was wine, Waking up and finding Father Christmas had left his sack of presents at the end of my bed.



  1. Favourite festive food?

I love all the foods at the Christmas market! This year I had some macaroons which were nice. I also sampled the hog roast with stuffing and cranberry sauce, a baileys hot chocolate and some cherry beer, yum.

  1. Favourite Christmas gift ?

My first Nikon camera. I got it in my first year of college and it saw me through both college and university as I completed my Photography degree. Even though I have upgraded since, it is the perfect blogging camera.

  1. Favourite Christmas scent?

Christmas candles

  1. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?

I always spend Christmas eve with my family, we either go to the cinema or for a meal. This year we’re staying in, getting takeaway and watching Christmas films in our Pajamas.

  1. What tops your tree?

For a long time it was an angel that Heather made at primary school out of a toilet roll tube, glitter and some tissue paper but we retired her for a glittery red star.

  1. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?

Without sounding spoilt I would say I always got what I asked for for Christmas (if I was good :p) though I didn’t  want for much and was a very easy child to please! There’s a home video somewhere from one Christmas morning where I unwrapped a set of felt tips and almost cried with excitement.

  1. What’s the best part about Christmas for you?
    Spending time with my family, eating loads and getting presents 🙂

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